Free Market Funds was created to provide an investment vehicle for long term generational financial growth. Our firm employs techniques of valuation to identify opportunities in the tradition of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger.
Warren Buffett has said, “Wall Street is the only place a guy drives to in a Rolls Royce to give his money to a guy who came to work on the subway.”
The guys arriving on the subway charge you a percentage of your assets for the privilege of investing your money, then skim more for various administrative and trading fees - whether your money grows or not. This is not the case at Free Market Ventures. Our preference would be that you learn investing from Free Market Learning and take charge of your own assets. However, that takes a lot of time and research that you may not have available.
So what to do? The second best option is to trust your money with a firm that only makes money when you do - that is why our fee structure mimics the original Buffett partnerships, including a minimum return threshold before we charge any fees. We don’t make any money unless you do.
Free Market Funds has no direct fees on assets under management and makes money only after you do.
Free Market Funds earns compensation only after reaching a high water mark (new all-time high of the fund) and then only on the annual returns above 6%.
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